version 3.1 changes

0. Add initial support for UGRID data

Initial support for UGRID data was added.


1. Add titles option to cfp.con

A titles option was added to cfp.con. Setting this to True prints off a set of dimension titles at the top of the plot.


2. Time axis - calendar is now set to standard if none is present

If a time axis has no calendar then this is now set to standard if none is present.


6. Various changes to update to cf-python 3.9.0

Various changes to and cf-plot were made to be compatible with cf-python 3.9.0.


7. cfp.lines, cfp.vect - added titles option

The titles option to display the field dimension and cell methods selections were added to cfp.lines and cfp.vect.


8. cfp.mapset - LambertCylindrical added

The LambertCylindrical projection was added to cfp.mapset.


9. Mapping change internally

A mapping change was made internally to change from f.ref('rotated_latitude_longitude') to f.ref('grid_mapping_name:rotated_latitude_longitude'). This was due to a feature introduced in cf-python 3.8.0. The longer form always works and so this has been adopted.


10. cfp.gpos(1) causes stray box lines

When making multiple plots on a page calling cfp.gpos(1) causes stray box lines to be added to the first plot.


11. cfp.con - blockfill bugfix

If a blockfill contour plot is requested and the X coordinate has bounds and the Y coordinate does not have bounds then an error occurs.


12. cfp.bfill - default plotting order changed

The default plotting order for cfp.bill has been changed from None to 4. If any issues arise because of this please report them to me -


13. cfp.vect - added transparency setting

An alpha transparency setting was added to cfp.vect.


14. cfp.mapset - overlay map plots stopped working

More recent versions of Cartopy stopped overlay map plots from working.


15. cfp.cf_data_assign - internal routine updated

The internal data assignment routine cfp.cf_data_assign was updated to use the cf-python filter_by_axis method in f.coordinate.


16. cfp.vect - high latitude vector code modified

Cartopy has an issue with higher latitude vectors as described at

The following code sets all the u and v components to be 10m/s so it would be expected that the vectors will be at 45 degrees to the longitude lines. Prior to the modification this wasn't the case.

import cf
import cfplot as cfp'cfplot_data/')
v=f[2].subspace(pressure=500)[:] = 10[:] = 10

cfp.vect(u=u, v=v, key_length=10, scale=100, pts=30)

This was fixed internally in cf-plot version 3.1.16 but may need a reversion to the original code if Cartopy gets a patch for this feature.


17. cfp.mapset - contour issue when using cartopy 0.20.0 and possibly later

Cartopy version 0.20.0 and possibly later cause a contour over maps issue in cf-plot. A version check in cf-plot is now in place to circumvent this.

Cartopy version check in place

18. cfp.con - changes to ptype=0 code

Additional code was added to cfp.con to cope with data which has one axis of longitude, latitude, pressure, time and another that isn't recogised as one of these.


19. cfp.con - improved Z axis detection

The cf-plot find_dim_names routine was modified to use the cf-python get_data_axes method leading to more reliable Z axis detection when multiple Z axes are defined in the field.


20. cfp.con - transform_first - higher resolution map data contour plots

When making map contour plots > 400 points in longitude cartopy slows down markedly due to having to transform lots of patches. The transform_first keyword to cfp.con transforms the points rather than patches and leads to a considerable speed improvement. For example a 1440 longitudes map plot took 30 minutes with the normal method and this decreased to 0.7 seconds when transform_first=True was set. If this keyword is set for lower resolution data then the plot limits in longitude sometimes have missing data.

When there are more that 400 longitude points the option is set automatically but it can always be turned off with transform_first=False.


21. cfp.con - blockfill_fast - faster blockfill plotting

Higher resolution data causes blockfill plotting to slow down markedly due to the number of cells plotted. The blockfill_fast option was added to cfp.con which uses the Matplotlib pcolormesh routine to produce a much faster plot. The original blockfill plotting is more accurate though and careful comparison of plots made both methods show small differences particularly at higher latitudes. One blockfill plot went from 174 seconds to 4.3 seconds using the new option.


22. cfp.find_dim_names bug

If numpy arrays are passed for plotting some recently added code in cfp.find_dim_names tried to find the dimension names in the field. The code was modified to not do this for this class of data.


23. Central data local added for cartopy

If the user has a central location for cartopy data it can be specified with the pre_existing_data_dir environment variable. This location is checked for the relevant map data before ~/.local/share/cartopy. If it is in neither then an attempt will be made to download the data.


24. cfp.gvals - final catch missing for no values

A final catch for no defined values was missing


25. cfp.con - cartopy.add_cyclic_point - check for regular longitudes

An error occurs in cartopy.add_cyclic_point if the longitudes aren't regular. Added code to only call cartopy.add_cyclic_point if the longitudes are regular.


26. plot titles - change cell methods to cell_methods

In the plot titles section cell methds was corrected to cell_methods.


27. map_title - fixed bug in title for the southern polar stereographic projection

A bug in the title code for the southern polar stereographic projection has been fixed.


28. cfp.con - added nlevs option

The nlevs option to cfp.con was added which specifies the number of levels for to use for contour and fast blockfill methods. For example cfp.con(f, nlevs=200, lines=False) will draw 200 filled contours and turn the line contours off. This is useful when looking at data which is very close together where the traditional contour levels don't show the detail in the field. The colour map for a divergent field such as zonal wind, 'scale1', is not necessarily centred on zero with this option so more care with interpretation is needed.


29. cfp.con - type 0 plots bugfix

cfp.con was changed to fix some bugs with the identification and plotting of axes.


30. cfp.generate_titles - update code to include cell_method qualifiers

cfp.generate_titles was updated to include the text for any cell_method qualifiers.


31. cfp.con - axis labelling issues with rotated pole coordinates

cfp.con produced extraneous axis labels for rotated pole coordinates.


32. cfp.plot_map_axes - mods for cartopy > 0.20.0

The use of outline_patch.set_visible(False) to remove a surrounding box for polar stereographic and lcc plots has been change to set_frame_on(False) as the previous method has been depreciated from cartopy 0.20.0.
