version 3.0 changes

Change code to use Python 3 and cf-python 3.

0. Change code to use Python 3 and cf-python 3

cf-plot code was changed to use Python 3 and cf-python 3. Support for Python 2.7 and cf-python2.x was dropped.


1. Port to Mac OSX

The cf-python and cf-plot code base was ported to Mac OSX.


2. Separate out the colour bar routine

In the original cf-plot code base the Matplotlib colorbar routine was called individually in many places. This has now been separated out into the cfp.cbar routine which is callable from anywhere in the cf-plot code or in user code.


3. cf_var_name - missing initial definition of ncvar

A missing initial definition of ncvar in the cf_var_name routine was fixed.


4. Grid drawing options changed

The grid_lons and grid_lats options used in cfp.setvars have been removed. The grid drawing options for UKCP grids are now controlled by xticks, yticks and xaxis, yaxis as in other plots.

The polar stereographic grid now takes the line colour, line width and line style from grid_colour, grid_linestyle and grid_thickness that are set in cfp.setvars.


5. con - blockfill plots - bug in blockfill code

A bug in the blockfill code logic meant that some data couldn't be plotted in blockfill mode.


6. con - automatic levels sometimes have too many decimal places

The automatic contour level generation in con sometimes has too many decimal places.


7. missing dependencies

Missing dependencies for cf-python, scipy and cartopy were added to


8. Plot viewing with the Matplotlib interface

Matplotlib can now be configured to allow non-blocking of the command prompt when a plot is active. The cf-plot code has been changed allow the default plot viewer to be the Matplotlib interface. Users can still use the previous Imagemagick display command by typing


or add the below line to ~/.cfplotrc

viewer matplotlib


9. mapset - aspect ratio in cylindrical projection plots

The default setting for cylindrical plots is for one degree of longitude to be the same size as one degree of latitude. This can now be changed with the aspect option to mapset:

aspect = 'equal' - the default, 1 degree longitude is the same size as one degree of latitude
aspect = 'auto' - map fills the plot area
aspect = number - a circle will be stretched such that the height is number times the width.
aspect = 1 is the same as aspect='equal'.

10. con - Hovmuller plot with short time axis

An issue with a short time axis on a Hovmuller plot was found and fixed.


11. con - multiple plot spacing incorrect

Fixed a variety of issues when using cfp.con and mutiple plots using the rows and columns spacing options to cfp.gopen.


12. con and vect - adding cyclic data issue

When adding an extra cyclic point in longitude and the data the cartopy_util.add_cyclic_point routine sometimes fails when the data isn't quite regularly spaced. Generally this happends when the numpy value for the data has a lot of decimal points. A numeric fix for this incorrect spacing was put in place.


13. con and lineplot - long floating point numbers

In cfp.con and cfp.lineplot large floating point numbers sometimes occurred on the axes and in the contour labels. A new internal routine called cfp.fix_floats addresses these issues. For example a numpy arange array from 0 to 5 in steps of 0.1 sometimes produced an axis of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3999999999999999, 0.5 which produced a badly fored axis.


14. con - blockfill plot with a time mean can sometimes produce unexpected results

When plotting a blockfill contour plot of data with a time mean the plot can sometimes produce unexpected results. For example the following data has monthly data points but bounds of ten years for each point.

array([cftime.Datetime360Day(1983-08-16 00:00:00),
cftime.Datetime360Day(1983-09-16 00:00:00),
cftime.Datetime360Day(1983-10-16 00:00:00)], dtype=object)
array([[cftime.Datetime360Day(1979-02-01 00:00:00),
cftime.Datetime360Day(1988-03-01 00:00:00)],
[cftime.Datetime360Day(1979-03-01 00:00:00),
cftime.Datetime360Day(1988-04-01 00:00:00)],
[cftime.Datetime360Day(1979-04-01 00:00:00),
cftime.Datetime360Day(1988-05-01 00:00:00)]], dtype=object)

To reset the bounds for this data to be relevant for blockfill plotting use


The new time data bounds are now monthly which is what is expected:

array([[cftime.Datetime360Day(1983-08-01 00:00:00),
cftime.Datetime360Day(1983-09-01 00:00:00)],
[cftime.Datetime360Day(1983-09-01 00:00:00),
cftime.Datetime360Day(1983-10-01 00:00:00)],
[cftime.Datetime360Day(1983-10-01 00:00:00),
cftime.Datetime360Day(1983-11-01 00:00:00)]], dtype=object)

Information added to user guide

15. con, vect and lineplot - input data checking

Basic data size and shape checking is now done for the inputs of CF data to con, vect and lineplot.


16. lineplot - multiple lines on a single graph can have incorrect axis limits

When making muliple lines on a single graph it can have incorrect axis limits as by default the axis limits and labelling were chosen from the last made line. This was changed so that the the min and max of X and Y for the lines in accumulated and applied to the graph.


17. mapset - Lambert Conformal projection - lcc now works in the southern hemisphere

Selecting the Lambert Conformal 'lcc' projection now works in the southern hemisphere.

cfp.mapset(proj='lcc', lonmin=-50, lonmax=50, latmin=-80, latmax=-10)


18. changes

Some minor changes to the requirements were made to the file


19. change

Put in missing quote in __date__ string.


20. lineplot - check for axis missing

In lineplot there was no check to see if the Z or T axis existed bufore trying to extract information from them. A check is now made so that this doesn;t give an error when making a lineplot using data without these axes.


21. cf-plot install notes changed

The cf-plot install notes have been changed to include information on how to use pip to upgrade an existing version of cf-plot.


22. gvals routine rewritten - internal contour and axis label generator

The gvals internal routine has been rewritten to be shorter and more logical. This routine is used in the automatic selection of contour and axis labels. The new routine should produce better formatted and spaced labels.


23. cfp.con - plot type=0 rewrite

The cfp.con section for plot_type=0 has been rewritten. plot_type=0 is where only one or less if X, Y, Z, T are being plotted. i.e. time vs station index.


24. Boolean data

CF fields that are passed for plotting are changed to 0 or 1 values.


25. cfp.lineplot - default line colours now taken from Matplotlib

The default cfp.lineplot colours are taken from Matplotlib unless specified by the user with the color keyword. The previous default was for black which made lineplots more difficult to interpret.


26. - streamplots added

Streamplots are now available in cf-plot. Examples are in the user guide under vectors and also in the vector section of example plots.

stream - plot a streamplot

u=None - u wind
v=None - v wind
x=None - x locations of u and v
y=None - y locations of u and v
density=None - controls the closeness of streamlines. When density = 1,
the domain is divided into a 30x30 grid
linewidth=None - the width of the stream lines. With a 2D array the line width
can be varied across the grid. The array must have the same shape as u and v
color=None - the streamline color
arrowsize=None - scaling factor for the arrow size
arrowstyle=None - arrow style specification
minlength=None - minimum length of streamline in axes coordinates
maxlength=None - maximum length of streamline in axes coordinates

27. cfp.levs - step option bugfix

cfp.levs(step=20) sets the step to 20 for contour level generation. This was inadvertenty cleared inbetween plots and also generated a step of a float of 20.0 rather than the integer 20.


28. Code change to adhere to PEP8

The cf-plot code base was changed to adhere to PEP8 with a 100 column line length.


29. Changed default zorder from None to 1

The default zorder of None caused issues with the latest versions of Matplotlib so this was changed to 1.


30. savefig option of papertype removed

The savefig option of papertype was removed as this is being dropped from later versions of matplotlib.


31. con - polar plots colorbar size changed

The default size of colorbar_shrink for contour plots was changed from 1.0 to 0.8 to match the size of the plot. Setting it to 1 made it larger than the plot.


32. setvars - remove white space around plots

To remove white space from around plots you can use the ImageMagick convert command convert -trim fig1.png fig1_trimmed.png or use the setvars command: cfp.setvars(tight=True)


33. lineplot - passing two CF fields for plotting doesn't plot the second line

Passing two CF fields for plotting to lineplot only plotted the first line. This was intentional behaviour and now doing this causes an error. The way to plot two lines is to open a graphics plot with cfp.gopen(), make two separate calls to cfp.lineplot and then close the graphics plot with cfp.gclose(). This is consistent with making multiple contour plots or a contour plot with overlaid vectors or stipples.


34. lineplot - change automatic y axis values for a constant value line plot

When using lineplot with a constant value graph the automatic y-axis limits were set from -0.001 to +0.001 of the constant value. This has been changed to -1.0 to 1.0 of the constant value.


35. traj - spurious data points plotted

When using masked trajectory data and the latest version of numpy spurious data points were sometimes plotted.


36. con and setvars - changing contour level selection from linear to log, loglike or outlier

A new routine cfp.calculate_levels has been added to the cf-plot code to allow different schemes for contour level selection. The default in cf-plot is that when the user hasn't made a specific level selection the contour levels will be spaced linearly between the minimum and maximum of the input data.

An additional option to cfp.con is calculate_levels which takes:
'linear' - a linear set of levels between the minimum and maximum of the field
'log' - log levels - -1e6, -1e5 ,-1e4 etc
'loglike' - log like levels -5.e-05, -2.e-05, -1.e-05, -5.e-06, -2.e-06, -1.e-06 etc
'outlier' - removes outlier data before generating a linear set of levels. The outlier must have less than
1% of the data values.
'inspect' - inspect and choose the most appropriate of the above values

cfp.setvars also has a new calculate_levels option which is persistent between cfp.con calls.


37. Fix incorrect version number in

An incorrect version number was set in


38. con - No contour levels data throws an error in Matplotlib line labelling

The default behaviour of Matplotlib has changed such that if the data is all the same the contour labelling scheme in Matplotlib throws an error. This is in Matplotlib 3.3.2 and may well have been in previous versions. cf-plot was changed so that in thie case of min(data) == max(data) the contour labels are turned off so a plot can be made.


39. con - 2D data fails to plot in polar stereographic projection

Data associated with 2D longitude and 2D latitude arrays fails to plot in the polar stereographic projection.
