
cfplot.con(f=None, x=None, y=None, fill=True, lines=True, line_labels=True, title=None, colorbar_title=None, colorbar=True, colorbar_label_skip=None, ptype=0, negative_linestyle='solid', blockfill=False, zero_thick=False, colorbar_shrink=None, colorbar_orientation=None, colorbar_position=None, xlog=False, ylog=False, axes=True, xaxis=True, yaxis=True, xticks=None, xticklabels=None, yticks=None, yticklabels=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, colors='k', swap_axes=False, verbose=None, linewidths=None, alpha=1.0, colorbar_text_up_down=False, colorbar_fontsize=None, colorbar_fontweight=None, colorbar_text_down_up=False, colorbar_drawedges=True, colorbar_fraction=None, colorbar_thick=None, colorbar_anchor=None, colorbar_labels=None, linestyles=None, zorder=1, level_spacing=None, irregular=None, face_lons=False, face_lats=False, face_connectivity=False, titles=False, mytest=False, transform_first=None, blockfill_fast=None, nlevs=False, orca=None, orca_skip=None, grid=False)[source]
con is the interface to contouring in cf-plot. The minimum use is con(f)
where f is a 2 dimensional array. If a cf field is passed then an
appropriate plot will be produced i.e. a longitude-latitude or
latitude-height plot for example. If a 2d numeric array is passed then
the optional arrays x and y can be used to describe the x and y data
point locations.

f - array to contour
x - x locations of data in f (optional)
y - y locations of data in f (optional)
fill=True - colour fill contours
lines=True - draw contour lines and labels
line_labels=True - label contour lines
title=title - title for the plot
ptype=0 - plot type - not needed for cf fields.
0 = no specific plot type,
1 = longitude-latitude,
2 = latitude - height,
3 = longitude - height,
4 = latitude - time,
5 = longitude - time
6 = rotated pole
negative_linestyle='solid' - set to one of 'solid', 'dashed'
zero_thick=False - add a thick zero contour line. Set to 3 for example.
blockfill=False - set to True for a blockfill plot
colorbar_title=colbar_title - title for the colour bar
colorbar=True - add a colour bar if a filled contour plot
colorbar_label_skip=None - skip colour bar labels. Set to 2 to skip
every other label.
colorbar_orientation=None - options are 'horizontal' and 'vertical'
The default for most plots is horizontal but
for polar stereographic plots this is vertical.
colorbar_shrink=None - value to shrink the colorbar by. If the colorbar
exceeds the plot area then values of 1.0, 0.55
or 0.5m may help it better fit the plot area.
colorbar_position=None - position of colorbar
[xmin, ymin, x_extent,y_extent] in normalised
coordinates. Use when a common colorbar
is required for a set of plots. A typical set
of values would be [0.1, 0.05, 0.8, 0.02]
colorbar_fontsize=None - text size for colorbar labels and title
colorbar_fontweight=None - font weight for colorbar labels and title
colorbar_text_up_down=False - if True horizontal colour bar labels alternate
above (start) and below the colour bar
colorbar_text_down_up=False - if True horizontal colour bar labels alternate
below (start) and above the colour bar
colorbar_drawedges=True - draw internal divisions in the colorbar
colorbar_fraction=None - space for the colorbar - default = 0.21, in normalised
colorbar_thick=None - thickness of the colorbar - default = 0.015, in normalised
colorbar_anchor=None - default=0.5 - anchor point of colorbar within the fraction space.
0.0 = close to plot, 1.0 = further away
colorbar_labels=None - labels to use for colorbar. The default is to use the contour
levels as labels
colorbar_text_up_down=False - on a horizontal colorbar alternate the
labels top and bottom starting in the up position
colorbar_text_down_up=False - on a horizontal colorbar alternate the
labels bottom and top starting in the bottom position
colorbar_drawedges=True - draw internal delimeter lines in the colorbar
colors='k' - contour line colors - takes one or many values.
xlog=False - logarithmic x axis
ylog=False - logarithmic y axis
axes=True - plot x and y axes
xaxis=True - plot xaxis
yaxis=True - plot y axis
xticks=None - xtick positions
xticklabels=None - xtick labels
yticks=None - y tick positions
yticklabels=None - ytick labels
xlabel=None - label for x axis
ylabel=None - label for y axis
swap_axes=False - swap plotted axes - only valid for X, Y, Z vs T plots
verbose=None - change to 1 to get a verbose listing of what con
is doing
linewidths=None - contour linewidths. Either a single number for all
lines or array of widths
linestyles=None - takes 'solid', 'dashed', 'dashdot' or 'dotted'
alpha=1.0 - transparency setting. The default is no transparency.
zorder=1 - order of drawing
level_spacing=None - Default of 'linear' level spacing. Also takes 'log', 'loglike',
'outlier' and 'inspect'
irregular=None - flag for contouring irregular data
face_lons=None - longitude points for face vertices
face_lats=None - latitude points for face verticies
face_connectivity=None - connectivity for face verticies
titles=False - set to True to have a dimensions title
transform_first=None - Cartopy should transform the points before calling the contouring algorithm,
which can have a significant impact on speed (it is much faster to transform
points than it is to transform patches) If this is unset and the number of points
in the x direction is > 400 then it is set to True.
blockfill_fast=None - Use pcolormesh blockfill. This is possibly less reliable that the usual code but is
faster for higher resolution datasets
nlevs=False - Let Matplotlib work out the levels for the contour plot
orca=None - User specifies this is an orca tripolar grid. Internally cf-plot tries to detect this by looking
for a single discontinuity in the logitude 2D array. If found a fix it make to the longitudes so
that they are no longer discontinuous.
orca_skip=None - Only plot every nth grid point in the 2D longitude and latitude arrays. This is useful for when
plotting his resolution data over the whole globe which would otherwise be very slow to visualize.
grid=False - Draw a grid on the map using the parameters set by cfp.setvars. Defaults are grid_x_spacing=60,
grid_y_spacing=30, grid_colour='k', grid_linestyle = '--', grid_thickness=1.0

