
cfplot.bfill(f=None, x=None, y=None, clevs=False, lonlat=None, bound=False, alpha=1.0, single_fill_color=None, white=True, zorder=4, fast=None, transform=False, orca=False)[source]
bfill - block fill a field with colour rectangles
This is an internal routine and is not generally used by the user.

f=None - field
x=None - x points for field
y=None - y points for field
clevs=None - levels for filling
lonlat=None - longitude and latitude data
bound=False - x and y are cf data boundaries
alpha=alpha - transparency setting 0 to 1
white=True - colour unplotted areas white
single_fill_color=None - colour for a blockfill between two levels
- makes maplotlib named colours or
- hexadecimal notation - '#d3d3d3' for grey
zorder=4 - plotting order
fast=None - use fast plotting with pcolormesh which is useful for larger datasets
transform=False - map transform supplied by calling routine
orca=False - data is orca data
:Returns: None